~Where Caring Is An Attitude Of The Heart~
Professional Nursing Care and Rehabilition Service Taylorsville, NC.

Respiratory Therapists are on-site 24/7

Our Respiratory Therapists are licensed by the NCRCB and provide care and treatment related to mechanical ventilation. They are responsible for the daily care and management of all residents who require trach and ventilator assessment and treatment.


Pulmonologist José Perez, MD, FCCP, FAASM

Under the supervision and direction of Pulmonologist José Perez, MD, FCCP, FAASM our respiratory team care for residents who require chronic mechanical ventilation and facilitate discharging residents to their homes when appropriate.

Respiratory Therapists participate in care plans for our residents and work closely with our Pulmonologist to update on resident progress with plan of care. We also offer suggestions and recommendations on ways to improve the outcome for the residents including weaning from the ventilator when medically appropriate.

Weaning requires energy, strength, stamina and effort. We encourage residents to get out of bed daily and start moving which speeds the healing and recovery process. Our facility provides optimum care for all residents admitted to the ventilator unit.

Respiratory Therapists

Respiratory Therapists perform arterial blood gases (ABGs) to determine oxygenation and ventilation, interpret the data, and make recommendations and changes to ventilator settings as necessary for the resident.

Respiratory Therapists also provide bronchodilator therapy, trach care and respiratory assessments every shift, trach changes, airway management, airway clearance, cough assist, vest therapy and monitor for changes.

In addition, Respiratory Therapists educate residents, families, and staff on disease processes engaging everyone in their continuum of care. We utilize PassyMuir® Speaking Valves enhancing residents’ ability to communicate.

Let us help you on your journey to respiratory health.

For More Information Contact:
Margy Berry, RRT, Respiratory Director
828-632-8146 | Ext 7139